Country Soul
Inspiring Stories of Heartache Turned into Hope
Cara Whitney
- Is
- the
- path
- ahead
- unclear?
- Does
- life
- feel
- uncertain
- and
- full
- of
- worry
- and
- anxiety?
- The
- pages
- of
- Country
- Soul
- are
- filled
- with
- Scripture**,
- stories,
- takeaways,
- and
- encouragement
- that
- will
- get
- your
- faith
- moving.
- Like
- many
- of
- us,
- Cara
- Whitney
- and
- her
- husband,
- Dan
- (Larry
- the
- Cable
- Guy),
- have
- experienced**
- mountaintops
- and
- valleys
- in
- life.
- T****he
- good
- news
- they
- discovered
- along
- the
- way
- is
- that
- we
- don't
- have
- to
- go
- it
- alone.
- God's
- Word
- guides
- our
- steps,
- leading
- us
- through
- the
- ups
- and
- downs
- of
- our
- faith
- journey**.**This
- book
- is
- filled
- with
- heartwarming
- stories--30
- compelling
- journeys
- of
- faith
- about
- men
- and
- women
- from
- all
- walks
- of
- life
- who
- have
- turned
- heartaches
- into
- hope
- and
- setbacks
- into
- victory.Most
- of
- the
- stories
- are
- drawn
- from
- ordinary
- everyday
- folks
- just
- like
- you:With
- full-color
- color
- photos,
- a
- presentation
- page,
- and
- a
- ribbon
- marker,
- Country
- Soul
- is
- a
- thoughtful
- gift
- for:Refresh
- your
- soul
- as
- you
- rediscover
- that
- no
- matter
- how
- hard
- life
- gets,
- you
- can
- trust
- God.Readers
- of
- Country
- Soul
- will
- also
- enjoy
- Cara
- Whitney's
- previous
- books,
- Unbridled
- Faith
- and
- Fields
- of Grace.
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