Assemble a cast of colorful characters — heroines, villains, lovers, odd-ball journalists, and life-shaping historical events. Weave unpredictable plots that challenge our assumptions of reality. Enact a drama of high adventure in space, in the street, and in the newsroom. Then lean back and ponder that these are true stories from our own times. Where is the hand that picked the actors? Master storyteller, author Carl A. Veno, a 25-year veteran newspaper journalist, sets the stage in Invisible Ink, a collection of stories. The book blends memoir writing with short story writing, and possesses the fascinating drama and power of real life and real issues. The saga spans 125 years from his Italian relatives immigrating to America to his job as a Bucks County, Pennsylvania, newspaper editor. The stories are set against a backdrop of the news, both local and national. Invisible Ink is the author’s first book.