Silenced Behind the Silence


The newscaster said one in ten children will be sexually abused before they are eleven.

They also said that ninety percent of all child sexual abuse victims know their abusers. One in seven incidents of child sexual abuse perpetrated by juveniles occurs on school days. Of the children that are sexually abused twenty percent are abused before the age of eight. Sixty percent of children that are sexually
abused are abused by someone they hang out with. How many of these do you relate to? It was four for me.
The statistics for child sexual abuse are quite astounding. I am sure the numbers are higher because most don’t speak up or report anything. I didn’t,
and chances are, you haven’t either. Scandal after scandal, arrests of teachers and police officers, corporate leaders, priests, and athletic directors alike, who
have in common the awesome task of caring for and protecting adults and children. Yet, they have been the ones that have been abusing us. We have remained silent because we were told that “whatever happens in this house stays in this house.” The ‘village’ that was expected to assist in nurturing us and helping us to grow to and through our awkward stages, was abusing us.

The ‘village’ had carte blanche to do all that they wanted to us because we could not speak out, because there was no one to tell. Who would have believed us
anyway? No one, not even our parents. My journey may be unusual only because you really don’t hear about many African American women or men coming out to say they’ve been sexually abused. You may find many similarities to your own story, because like me, you may have suffered abuse from a family member/s and others that said they loved you, and you gravitated towards them for one reason or another. Please don’t allow your destiny to get lost in the mix. Stand up. Open your mouth. Take charge of your life. Let us be “Silent No More.”

Speak your Truth. It will make you free.
I was a victim of sexual abuse. I was gang-raped. I attempted suicide on a number of occasions. I am a survivor. I am victorious. I am a legend-maker,
and an entrepreneur. I will remain silent no more.


My desire is to remind you that you are not alone. It is my prayer that you seek help so you can begin to be your best for yourself and for your family. You
deserve peace of mind and to never live in fear or uncertainty. You may have been shattered, but there is restoration and hope waiting for you. I believe in
you. Now, it’s time for you to begin to believe in yourself.

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