Spiritual Tales is a riveting, action-pack, vivid and highly readable short stories adventure that will captivate the readers’ attention. Journey to the beginning of time and witness Lucifer’s amazing transformation from an angelic being to a diabolical creature; enter the battlefield where Lucifer and Michael confront each other in a devastating fight to the end; walk by the side of Mary and experience the painful and emotional anguish of a mother as she follows Jesus down the streets of Jerusalem and up the hill of Golgotha; follow the story of Lucy who is plagued by an obsessed discarnate spirit from a previous incarnation; listen to the agonizing confession of a suicide victim who thought he would stop his suffering and enter paradise, but instead ended in an abyss of darkness; heed to a message from God as He reveal His disappointment and love for His children; and much more.
If you love inspirational and thought provoking stories, you will enjoy this book. Join the adventure and see the characters come to life today. In addition, enjoy artwork created by the author that gives more life and meaning to each story.