Magenta Fleurs

Southern Surveillance, #2

Reeks: Southern Surveillance


Romeo and Juliet read Shakespeares To Be or Not To Be classic lines while 007 paints a 1984 picture in the swamp!

Magenta Fleurs is a novel of fiction set with tragic thriller movements that will keep the pages turning. Prepare to be filled with romantic highlights as the swoon of young coeds fulfills then grasps you to root for the women who help them on their journey in life. Kristan goes to college and finds herself with life decisions near Thanksgiving, Jeremy and Scarlet enjoy a beginning romance while assisting Kristan to find peace amidst new opportunities. A parallel sequel to Three King Mackerel and a Mahi Mahi from 2017, the story furthers the plot of spying and survellience while the brilliance of a young mind does what her heart tells her.

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