The Father's Daughter


WARNING: This work of historical romantic fiction is written about Wisdom, the Bride of Christ, and is not your typical Bible story.

Wisdom begins this missive with God and His family playing golf out in The Void. She discusses her beloved, Jesse, and the creation of the angles; the reason for the rebellion in Heaven and the paved road the fallen angels created to Earth.

In detail, she explains the beginning of history on Earth and what part The Fallen has played in Earth’s misery.

When her soul mate Jesse walks the Earth as Jesus, she is born into a human body as Mary of Magdala. With the help of twenty-four Druids, she treads the hills of Israel and embraces the lonely path that is hers alone to travel.

From Wisdom’s Journal: “I was five the first time I met Jesus and I became betrothed to Saul of Tarsus. I loved both men...but only one held my heart.”

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