“Unlocked” “Keys to Getting Out & Staying Out”
If you continue life down your current path you will spend the rest of your life in prison.
The time between you reading this and you walking out the gate crawls at a snail’s pace, yet seems so close. You’re both excited and scared to death. Maybe this is not your first time, but your second, maybe even your third. What does time hold for you—Success, Failure? What can you do differently this time, to stay out?
Written by veteran prison officer Chance Johnmeyer of New Hampshire and Florida with contributions from several former inmates, Unlocked: Keys to Getting Out & Staying Out is an honest guide for those re-entering society. Combining compassion, experience, and practical advice, Unlocked talks straight about the challenges facing released inmates as they try to reestablish life on the outside. Filled with exercises, real-life suggestions, and a resource guide for Florida inmates, Unlocked is your pocket guide to embracing freedom and starting over--the right way.