The Spiritual Journey

Charles McCaffery Series 1, #1

Reeks: Charles McCaffery Series 1


The book is a combination of a Spiritual Journey
by a boy starting at a young age and a romance,
because he fell in love with someone who not
only loved him but wanted to be like him. This is a
wholesome family-oriented story. He had a loving
family around him. Follow a boy that started
attending Church and being saved. He grew
spiritually beyond what he could have imagined.
He had premonitions that help save lives, and
showed him the last day of the earth. He saw
visions of Angels, and of Jesus. He could feel
Jesus's power. He spoke to someone beyond the
grave. The story may help inspire your life and
future for the better. It is very emotional and
touching. This is the first book of the series.
The Author has had Premonitions and has seen
visions in his own life. Book 2 is The Spiritual Path.

Book 3 is A Spiritual Romantic Life. There is also a

Complete Series Trilogy.

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