- A
- near-future
- thriller
- of
- a
- devastating
- alien
- invasion
- from
- the
- paleontologist
- who
- inspired
- Jurassic
- Park
- and
- the
- award-winning
- science
- fiction
- author.There
- were
- always
- those
- who
- disagreed
- with
- broadcasting
- signals
- into
- the
- deepest
- reaches
- of
- outer
- space,
- because
- our
- mere
- existence
- could
- be
- taken
- as
- a
- threat.
- They
- were
- right
- to
- be
- concerned
- .
- .
- .In
- the
- spring
- of
- 2076,
- just
- days
- short
- of
- America’s
- tricentennial
- celebrations,
- every
- inhabited
- surface
- in
- the
- solar
- system
- gets
- wiped
- out
- by
- a
- catastrophic
- storm
- of
- relativistic
- bombs,
- flaming
- swords
- that
- pierced
- the
- sky.
- The
- only
- two
- survivors
- left
- on
- Earth
- exist
- in
- a
- submersible
- that
- had
- been
- exploring
- the
- Titanic’s
- final
- resting
- place
- on
- the
- bottom
- of
- the
- North
- Atlantic.
- In
- space,
- only
- the
- settlers
- in
- small,
- asteroid-based
- colonies
- have
- gone
- unnoticed
- by
- the
- aliens—for
- now.
- But
- any
- sign
- of
- life,
- any
- call
- for
- help,
- might
- bring
- the
- Intruders
- straight
- to
- them.These
- far-flung
- survivors
- are
- now
- on
- their
- own,
- stalked
- by
- a
- ruthless,
- faceless
- enemy
- straight
- out
- of
- the
- nightmares
- of
- humanity’s
- greatest
- minds—those
- lone
- voices
- whose
- warnings
- went
- ignored.**“[A]
- novel
- of
- such
- conceptual
- ferocity
- and
- scientific
- plausibility
- that
- it
- amounts
- to
- a
- reinvention
- of
- that
- old
- Wellsian
- staple,
- [alien
- invasion].”
- —**The
- New
- York
- Times
- Book
- Review“Relentless
- .
- .
- .
- The
- ultimate
- disaster
- novel
- .
- .
- .
- A
- thought-experiment
- and
- warning.”
- —The
- Denver
- Post“A
- whirlwind
- of
- ideas
- .
- .
- .
- full
- of
- action
- and
- danger
- .
- .
- .
- Pellegrino
- and
- Zebrowski
- are
- working
- territory
- not
- too
- far
- removed
- from
- Arthur
- C.
- Clarke’s,
- and
- anywhere
- Clarke
- is
- popular,
- this
- book
- should
- be,
- too.” —Booklist
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