Powdered Eggs
A Novel
Charles Simmons
- A
- young
- writer-to-be
- embarks
- on
- a
- comic
- coming-of-age
- journey
- through
- the
- crushing
- mediocrity
- of
- work,
- the
- vagaries
- of
- fate,
- and
- the
- mysteries
- of
- sexA
- confused
- and
- conflicted
- but
- not
- altogether
- angry
- young
- man
- shares
- his
- observations,
- disappointments,
- rants,
- and
- sexual
- desires
- in
- a
- revealing
- series
- of
- letters
- to
- an
- unnamed
- friend.
- Our
- hero
- wants
- to
- be
- a
- writer,
- but
- is
- stuck
- doing
- mind-numbing
- work
- for
- an
- unscrupulous
- encyclopedia
- publisher.
- He
- muddles
- through
- two
- engagements,
- one
- to
- a
- bright-eyed
- Catholic
- virgin,
- the
- other
- to
- a
- woman
- pregnant
- with
- another
- man’s
- child.
- And
- the
- Great
- American
- Novel
- he
- is
- writing—about
- a
- man
- named
- Austin
- who
- is
- becoming
- invisible—may
- be
- a
- bit
- too
- much
- for
- the
- reading
- public
- to
- handle.
- But
- as
- long
- as
- he’s
- got
- his
- friends
- (like
- Jose,
- who
- is
- determined
- to
- bed
- and
- wed
- his
- cousin
- Rita
- the
- nun),
- his
- health
- (no
- thanks
- to
- the
- medical
- establishment
- that
- killed
- his
- father),
- and
- his
- libido,
- everything
- should
- turn
- out
- okay.Winner
- of
- the
- William
- Faulkner
- Foundation
- Award
- for
- notable
- first
- novel—more
- outrageous
- than
- Catcher
- in
- the
- Rye
- and
- more
- scandalous
- than
- Portnoy’s
- Complaint—Charles
- Simmons’s
- Powdered
- Eggs
- is
- an
- unforgettable
- view
- of
- young
- American
- life
- through
- an
- amusingly
- jaundiced eye.
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