Everything You Need To Know About Men
Charlotte Forster
- They
- ???
- men
- ?r?
- easy
- t?
- understand.
- Ar?
- they?T?lking
- psychologically,
- m?n
- and
- their
- ?ri?riti??
- diff?r
- m?r?
- than
- you
- can
- imagine.
- Th??
- are
- ?w???m?l?
- weird
- in
- th?ir
- w??.
- Did
- ??u
- kn?w
- th?t
- 50%
- of
- m?n
- claim
- they
- would
- feel
- ??mf?rt?bl?
- if
- their
- girlfriend
- had
- a
- lesbian
- l?v?r?
- W?ll,
- th?r?
- i?
- so
- mu?h
- th?t
- th???
- men
- w?n't
- t?ll ??u.