Public Art
Theory, Practice and Populism
Cher Krause Knight
- This
- book
- takes
- a
- bold
- look
- at
- public
- art
- and
- its
- populist
- appeal,
- offering
- a
- more
- inclusive
- guide
- to
- America's
- creative
- tastes
- and
- shared
- culture.
- It
- examines
- the
- history
- of
- American
- public
- art
- –
- from
- FDR's
- New
- Deal
- to
- Christo's
- The
- Gates
- –
- and
- challenges
- preconceived
- notions
- of
- public
- art,
- expanding
- its
- definition
- to
- include
- a
- broader
- scope
- of
- works
- and concepts.
pro-mbooks3 : libris