Pop Culture Pioneers
The Women Who Transformed Fandom in Film, Television, Comics, and More
Cher Martinetti
- Celebrate
- the
- empowering
- and
- inspiring
- women
- who
- helped
- create,
- shape,
- and
- make
- pop
- culture
- great,
- from
- the
- creator
- of
- WIRE's
- and
- the
- podcast
- "Forgotten
- Women
- of
- Genre"!In
- every
- medium
- in
- popular
- culture—from
- books,
- films,
- and
- video
- games
- to
- comics,
- television,
- and
- animation—women
- have
- been
- instrumental
- in
- creating
- and
- shaping
- the
- worlds,
- characters,
- and
- genres
- that
- we
- know
- and
- love.
- However,
- much
- of
- their
- hard
- work
- and
- innovation
- has
- gone
- largely
- unrecognized—until
- now.
- With
- a
- foreword
- by
- American
- Gods
- actress
- Yetide
- Badaki
- and
- essays
- exploring
- the
- history
- and
- transformation
- of
- pop
- culture's
- genres
- and
- mediums,
- Pop
- Culture
- Pioneers
- explores
- and
- pays
- respect
- to
- the
- women
- who
- played
- a
- crucial
- role
- in
- creating
- and
- influencing
- of
- some
- of
- the
- most
- famous
- worlds
- and
- characters
- in
- pop
- culture including:
pro-mbooks3 : libris