- Between
- 1973
- and
- 1978,
- Michelle
- “Feather”
- Jones
- dominated
- adult
- movie
- theaters
- as
- the
- burgeoning
- porn
- industry’s
- queen.
- Fans
- flocked
- to
- her
- screenings,
- and
- critics
- hailed
- her
- as
- the
- next
- big
- thing.
- By
- 1980,
- though,
- Feather
- was
- homeless,
- hooked
- on
- heroin,
- and
- prostituting
- in
- order
- to
- buy
- drugs.
- She
- disappeared
- from
- Hollywood’s
- restless
- spotlight
- and
- died
- at
- the
- age
- of
- forty-five
- from
- heroin
- addiction.Michelle
- “Shelly”
- Jones
- teaches
- at
- a
- small
- state
- college
- in
- Denver.
- She
- dreams
- of
- becoming
- a
- great
- novelist,
- while
- her
- colleagues
- sign
- big-dollar
- publishing
- deals.
- When
- Shelly
- discovers
- that
- a
- deceased
- porn
- star
- shares
- her
- name,
- she
- becomes
- obsessed
- with
- her
- life
- and
- death
- and
- believes
- she
- can
- descend
- Orpheus-like
- into
- the
- hell
- of
- Feather
- Jones’
- world
- to
- rescue
- and
- perhaps
- redeem
- her
- memory.In
- her
- quest
- to
- make
- sense
- of
- Feather’s
- life,
- death,
- and
- infamous
- career,
- she
- meets
- Tim
- Rhodes,
- aka
- the
- legendary
- Ryder
- Long,
- Feather's
- real
- life
- lover
- and
- on-screen
- co-star.
- There
- is
- no
- doubting
- the
- chemistry
- sparked
- between
- them,
- but
- is
- it
- merely
- physical
- or
- can
- they
- build
- something
- that
- lasts
- longer
- than
- a
- scene?
- The
- bigger
- question
- remains
- in
- both
- of
- their
- minds,
- though:
- is
- this
- Tim's
- way
- of
- having
- Feather back?
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