Quantumvator 1, Diaries of a Time-Space Astronaut

The Adventures of P and Q Series, #1

Reeks: The Adventures of P and Q Series


An epic story of a teenager whose passion for science propels him to go on his best adventures - but his formal school education sometimes gets in the way, until one day, his love for science and his love for a younger girl meets when he falls head-over-doc-Martins for Bianca from the First Grade of Middle School.

But, she shuns his advances as she feels their age-gap is too wide, but he comes up with an idea. He thinks he can shorten their age-gap through his knowledge of one of the Laws of Special Relativity - so he attempts to travel at 99.99999 the speed of light and use the phenomenon of time-dilation to attempt to bridge the gap.

But can he pull it off and return with his body in one piece!? And more importantly, for him, can he WOO the love of his life!?

pro-mbooks3 : libris