- Amidst
- the
- devastation
- of
- World
- War
- I,
- a
- young
- American
- woman
- named
- Abigale
- Belorman
- discovers
- a
- profound
- calling:
- to
- restore
- hope
- to
- the
- wounded
- soldiers.
- In
- France
- they
- were
- called
- 'Gueules
- Cassees',
- or
- 'Broken
- Faces'.
- Using
- her
- sculpting
- skills,
- she
- begins
- crafting
- intricate
- masks
- that
- conceal
- the
- scars
- of
- war,
- offering
- a
- semblance
- of
- normalcy
- to
- those
- who
- have
- endured
- unimaginable
- suffering.Colm
- Harp,
- a
- skilled
- metalsmith,
- is
- driven
- by
- his
- own
- wounds
- and
- a
- personal
- tragedy
- to
- join
- Abigale's
- mission.
- His
- younger
- brother,
- Danny,
- has
- returned
- from
- the
- war
- with
- devastating
- facial
- injuries,
- and
- Colm
- is
- determined
- to
- give
- him
- a
- chance
- at
- a
- life
- worth
- living.
- Together,
- Colm
- and
- Abigale
- embark
- on
- a
- journey
- of
- compassion
- and
- resilience,
- their
- work
- becoming
- a
- beacon
- of
- hope
- for
- countless
- wounded
- soldiers.As
- they
- navigate
- the
- challenges
- of
- war-torn
- Europe
- and
- the
- limitations
- of
- early
- 20th-century
- medicine,
- Abigale
- and
- Colm
- discover
- the
- transformative
- power
- of
- human
- will.
- Their
- story
- is
- a
- testament
- to
- the
- resilience
- of
- the
- human
- spirit,
- the
- enduring
- power
- of
- love,
- and
- the
- extraordinary
- lengths
- people
- will
- go
- to
- make
- a
- difference
- in
- the
- world.War
- changes
- all
- their
- lives,
- but
- if
- you
- can
- improve
- one
- person's
- life,
- is
- yours
- not
- for
- the
- better?
- What
- if
- you
- could
- help
- hundreds?
- What
- would
- you
- give up?
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