Countdown 1945
The Extraordinary Story of the Atomic Bomb and the 116 Days That Changed the World
Reeks: Chris Wallace’s Countdown Series
Chris Wallace
- The
- #1
- national
- bestselling
- “riveting”
- (The
- New
- York
- Times),
- “propulsive”
- (Time)
- behind-the-scenes
- account
- “that
- reads
- like
- a
- tense
- thriller”
- (The
- Washington
- Post)
- of
- the
- 116
- days
- leading
- up
- to
- the
- American
- attack
- on
- Hiroshima,
- by
- Chris
- Wallace,
- veteran
- journalist
- and
- anchor
- and
- Max
- host.April
- 12,
- 1945:
- After
- years
- of
- bloody
- conflict
- in
- Europe
- and
- the
- Pacific,
- America
- is
- stunned
- by
- news
- of
- President
- Franklin
- D.
- Roosevelt’s
- death.
- In
- an
- instant,
- Vice
- President
- Harry
- Truman,
- who
- has
- been
- kept
- out
- of
- war
- planning
- and
- knows
- nothing
- of
- the
- top-secret
- Manhattan
- Project
- to
- develop
- the
- world’s
- first
- atomic
- bomb,
- must
- assume
- command
- of
- a
- nation
- at
- war
- on
- multiple
- continents—and
- confront
- one
- of
- the
- most
- consequential
- decisions
- in
- history.
- Countdown
- 1945
- tells
- the
- gripping
- true
- story
- of
- the
- turbulent
- days,
- weeks,
- and
- months
- to
- follow,
- leading
- up
- to
- August
- 6,
- 1945,
- when
- Truman
- gives
- the
- order
- to
- drop
- the
- bomb
- on
- Hiroshima.In
- Countdown
- 1945,
- Chris
- Wallace,
- the
- veteran
- journalist
- and
- anchor
- and
- Max
- host,
- takes
- readers
- inside
- the
- minds
- of
- the
- iconic
- and
- elusive
- figures
- who
- join
- the
- quest
- for
- the
- bomb,
- each
- for
- different
- reasons:
- the
- legendary
- Albert
- Einstein,
- who
- eventually
- calls
- his
- vocal
- support
- for
- the
- atomic
- bomb
- “the
- one
- great
- mistake
- in
- my
- life”;
- lead
- researcher
- J.
- Robert
- “Oppie”
- Oppenheimer
- and
- the
- Soviet
- spies
- who
- secretly
- infiltrate
- his
- team;
- the
- fiercely
- competitive
- pilots
- of
- the
- plane
- selected
- to
- drop
- the
- bomb;
- and
- many
- more.Perhaps
- most
- of
- all,
- Countdown
- 1945
- is
- the
- story
- of
- an
- untested
- new
- president
- confronting
- a
- decision
- that
- he
- knows
- will
- change
- the
- world
- forever.
- But
- more
- than
- a
- book
- about
- the
- atomic
- bomb,
- Countdown
- 1945
- is
- also
- an
- unforgettable
- account
- of
- the
- lives
- of
- ordinary
- American
- and
- Japanese
- civilians
- in
- wartime—from
- “Calutron
- Girls”
- like
- Ruth
- Sisson
- in
- Oak
- Ridge,
- Tennessee,
- to
- ten-year-old
- Hiroshima
- resident
- Hideko
- Tamura,
- who
- survives
- the
- blast
- at
- ground
- zero
- but
- loses
- her
- mother
- and
- later
- immigrates
- to
- the
- United
- States,
- where
- she
- lives
- to
- this
- day—as
- well
- as
- American
- soldiers
- fighting
- in
- the
- Pacific,
- waiting
- in
- fear
- for
- the
- order
- to
- launch
- a
- possible
- invasion
- of
- Japan.
- Told
- with
- vigor,
- intelligence,
- and
- humanity,
- Countdown
- 1945
- is
- the
- definitive
- account
- of
- one
- of
- the
- most
- significant
- moments
- in history.
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