Imagine stepping into the shoes of someone who is diagnosed with infertility and is unable to start a family. Imagine how this situation captures your whole life: your friendships, your emotions, your bank account and your marriage. It makes you feel exposed. It diminishes the way you think about yourself and finds you peeing on sticks all the time with a forced and sad smile plastered on your face after hearing of yet another pregnancy announcement. You get caught up in the world of doctors, needles, specialists, tests, medication, bloodwork, time, constant uncertainty, pain and waiting. You will dread the question, “So when are you having a baby?”
Welcome to a world of whirlwind emotions: emotions of hope, denial, grief, bargaining, anger, depression, sadness and acceptance.
…and against all odds….against all logic…you still have hope!
“The women who I love and admire for their strength and grace did not get that way because shit worked out. They got that way cause shit went wrong, and they handled it. They handle it in a thousand different ways on a thousand different days – but they handle it. Those women are super heroes.”
Elizabeth Gilbert