Fighting Poetry


The greatest madness is reinforced and maintained by a million layers of falsehood. This falsehood, this legalized trap of misdirection, is coordinated by an oppressive cabal of narcissistic ogres, royal vampires and bloody Satanists. These ghastly vermin hide in secret vaults of stolen gold and thrive on the long-suffering souls of the poor. Consequently, a vast web of lies wraps its toxic thorns around all of our fragile hearts! This is the creeping sickness of the financial community. The root of all evil. We have never been so smothered in lies as we presently are in the 21st century. The lies are so thick and deep (for example, that we have democracy and civilization) that millions consider them a part of normal life.

The world is up-side-down. What is wrong is now right. What is right is now wrong. All common sense has been thrown out of the window, out of the common mind. The devils are on top and the saints on the bottom. The famous Star Trek ‘Borg’ is here. Is resistance futile? Never! This is no time to look the other way. No time to get distracted by television. No time to make lame excuses. No time to play positive affirmation games. No time to pray to god. No time to smoke or drink your life away. No time to run away. It’s time to get the guillotines out folks! Time to fight.
As for my part I have identified the multiplicity of evils represented by the above mentioned human surrogates, exposed them and proposed the appropriate response in poetry described as daggers of truth.

pro-mbooks3 : libris