Lucky Mud & Other Foma
A Field Guide to Kurt Vonnegut's Environmentalism and Planetary Citizenship
Christina Jarvis
- A
- fascinating
- deep
- dive
- into
- Kurt
- Vonnegut’s
- oeuvre
- and
- legacy,
- illuminating
- his
- unique
- perspective
- on
- environmental
- stewardship
- and
- our
- shared
- connections
- as
- humans,
- Earthlings,
- and
- stardust.Vonnegut’s
- major
- apocalyptic
- trio—Cat’s
- Cradle,
- Slapstick,
- and
- Galápagos—prompt
- broad
- global,
- national,
- and
- species-level
- thinking
- about
- environmental
- issues
- through
- dramatic
- and
- fantastic
- scenarios.
- This
- book,
- Lucky
- Mud
- and
- Other
- Foma,
- tells
- the
- story
- of
- the
- origins
- and
- legacy
- of
- what
- Kurt
- Vonnegut
- understood
- as
- “planetary
- citizenship”
- and
- explores
- key
- roots,
- influences,
- literary
- techniques,
- and
- artistic
- expressions
- of
- his
- interest
- in
- environmental
- activism
- through
- his
- writing.Vonnegut
- saw
- writing
- itself
- as
- an
- act
- of
- good
- citizenship,
- as
- a
- way
- of
- “poisoning”
- the
- minds
- of
- young
- people
- “with
- humanity
- .
- .
- .
- to
- encourage
- them
- to
- make
- a
- better
- world.”
- Often
- that
- literary
- activism
- meant
- addressing
- real
- social
- and
- environmental
- problems—polluted
- water,
- soil,
- and
- air;
- racial
- and
- economic
- injustice;
- isolating
- and
- dehumanizing
- technologies;
- and
- lives
- and
- landscapes
- desolated
- by
- war.
- Vonnegut’s
- remedies
- took
- many
- forms,
- from
- the
- redemptive
- power
- of
- the
- arts
- to
- artificial
- extended
- families
- to
- vital
- communities
- and
- engaged
- democracies.
- Reminding
- us
- of
- our
- shared
- connections
- as
- humans,
- as
- Earthlings,
- as
- stardust,
- Lucky
- Mud
- helps
- fans,
- scholars,
- and
- book
- lovers
- of
- all
- kinds
- experience
- how
- Vonnegut’s
- writings
- purposely
- challenge
- readers
- to
- think,
- create,
- and love.
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