- Presenting
- an
- all-new
- horror
- anthology
- that
- shatters
- the
- mold…Mainstream
- publishers
- want
- all-star
- lineups.
- Small
- press
- publishers
- often
- can’t
- afford
- to
- pay
- pro
- rates…and
- even
- when
- they
- can,
- the
- names
- in
- the
- table
- of
- contents
- can
- be
- limited
- by
- the
- editor’s
- reach
- or
- effort.
- Bestselling
- horror,
- fantasy,
- and
- thriller
- authors
- Christopher
- Golden
- and
- James
- A.
- Moore
- knew
- there
- had
- to
- be
- a
- better
- way.
- Inspired
- by
- the
- efforts
- of
- legendary
- anthology
- Charles
- L.
- Grant,
- who
- helped
- move
- so
- many
- new
- writers
- in
- the
- horror
- community’s
- conversation,
- Golden
- and
- Moore
- teamed
- up
- with
- Haverhill
- House’s
- Twisted
- Publishing
- imprint
- to
- create…THE
- OF
- SHADOWSDetermined
- to
- pay
- pro
- rates,
- the
- editors
- crowdfunded
- the
- project,
- and
- then
- put
- the
- word
- out
- as
- far
- and
- wide
- as
- possible,
- loudly
- and
- repeatedly
- encouraging
- submissions
- by
- diverse
- voices,
- and
- recruiting
- a
- stellar
- editorial
- committee
- to
- read
- along
- with
- them,
- including
- Linda
- A.
- Addison,
- Nadia
- Bulkin,
- Rachel
- Autumn
- Deering,
- Lamar
- Giles,
- KL
- Pereira,
- and
- Lee
- Thomas.Out
- of
- seven
- hundred
- stories
- received
- through
- a
- blind
- submission
- process—none
- of
- the
- editors
- had
- any
- idea
- who
- the
- authors
- were—nineteen
- made
- the
- final
- cut.
- Within
- these
- pages
- you
- will
- find
- the
- beautifully
- weird
- side-by-side
- with
- terrifying
- nightmares,
- horrifying
- folklore,
- and
- hellish
- futures.
- Nineteen
- unique
- and
- haunting
- tales
- that
- truly
- earned
- their
- place
- in
- a
- book
- entitled…THE
- OF
- SHADOWSDiscover
- your
- new
- favorite
- horror
- stories
- by:Melissa
- Swensen
- --
- M.M.
- De
- Voe
- --
- Andrew
- Bourelle
- --
- Sara
- Tantlinger
- --
- Jeffrey
- B.
- BurtonEóin
- Murphy
- --
- Sarah
- L.
- Johnson
- --
- Jason
- A.
- Wyckoff
- --
- Amanda
- Helms
- --
- Trisha
- J.
- WooldridgeLiam
- Hogan
- --
- KT
- Wagner
- --
- Rohit
- Sawant
- --
- P.D.
- Cacek
- --
- John
- Linwood
- GrantGeorge
- Edwards
- Murray
- --
- Cindy
- O’Quinn
- --
- David
- Surface
- --
- Kristi
- DeMeesterTHE