Who Lives?: A Play
Christopher Meeks
- Based
- on
- a
- true
- story,
- "Who
- Lives?"
- is
- an
- inspirational
- play
- along
- the
- lines
- of
- the
- Sandra
- Bullock
- film
- "Blind
- Side."
- In
- the
- early
- 1960s,
- an
- anonymous
- committee
- of
- ordinary
- citizens
- in
- Seattle
- selected
- people
- dying
- of
- kidney
- failure
- for
- an
- experiment
- in
- something
- new:
- kidney
- dialysis.
- They
- could
- take
- only
- 12.
- When
- Gabriel
- is
- turned
- down,
- he
- looks
- for
- another way.
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