This third book in the series, with over 79,000 words of romantic suspense, tells the story of Frankie and Shawn...
Frankie: My name is Frankie Benson, and I'm a journalist. I'm tired of everyone thinking that I'm splashing lies all over the front page. When the bodies of two women are found not far from each other within the boundaries of Yellowstone National Park, I figure this is my chance. The problem is that nobody will even believe that these women were murdered.
Shawn: Trying to change an official cause of death from accidental to homicide doesn't happen very often. This crazy reporter thinks she's going to get me to help her do it anyway. At first, I only go along with Frankie to keep her from getting herself into trouble. The longer I listen to her insanity, the more sense she starts to make. By the time I realize that Frankie isn't crazy at all, we're in this thing so deep I'm not sure I can get us out.