Ratha's Creature
Reeks: The Named
Clare Bell
- One
- brave
- feline,
- exiled
- from
- her
- clan,
- must
- fight
- to
- survive
- in
- this
- Award–winning
- author’s
- epic
- fantasy
- adventure
- about
- a
- tribe
- of
- prehistoric
- cats.Twenty-five
- million
- years
- in
- the
- past,
- a
- clan
- of
- sentient,
- prehistoric
- big
- cats
- called
- “the
- Named”
- have
- their
- own
- language,
- traditions,
- and
- law.
- Led
- by
- Meoran,
- the
- Named
- herd
- horses
- and
- deer
- for
- food.
- They
- keep
- order
- and
- peace,
- fending
- off
- predatory
- raiders—the
- UnNamed—from
- all
- sides.
- But,
- the
- battle
- has
- taken
- its
- toll,
- and
- the
- Named
- are
- skirting
- the
- edge
- of
- survival.Much
- to
- the
- displeasure
- of
- Meoran,
- a
- young
- female
- named
- Ratha
- discovers
- a
- powerful
- defense
- against
- the
- UnNamed.
- She
- calls
- it
- “the
- Red
- Tongue,”
- and
- it
- is
- a
- creature
- of
- incredible
- power.
- Red
- Tongue
- is
- fire,
- a
- force
- of
- both
- life
- and
- destruction
- that
- must
- be
- at
- once
- nurtured
- and
- tamed.Sensing
- that
- Ratha’s
- mastery
- of
- fire
- threatens
- his
- power,
- Meoran
- banishes
- her
- from
- the
- clan.
- As
- she
- travels
- out
- amongst
- the
- savage
- UnNamed,
- Ratha
- learns
- about
- both
- them
- and
- herself.
- But,
- her
- tribe
- needs
- her.
- Can
- she
- return?
- Will
- the
- Named
- survive
- constant
- attacks
- without
- the
- Red
- Tongue?
- Will
- the
- power
- of
- the
- Red
- Tongue
- change
- the
- clan
- forever?Acclaimed
- author
- Clare
- Bell
- crafts
- a
- serious
- coming-of-age
- story
- filled
- with
- adventure,
- triumph,
- and
- heartbreak.
- Perfect
- for
- readers
- of
- Jean
- M.
- Auel’s
- The
- Clan
- of
- the
- Cave
- Bear,
- Ratha’s
- Creature
- will
- have
- readers
- hooked
- and
- clamoring
- for
- more
- stories
- of
- these
- big,
- noble cats.
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