The Dream Seed: God's Blueprint Within You


I am sure that if you are honest with yourself, you will admit that these questions have come to your mind often. Deep within all persons is a connection to the Creator of our being. The link to God was planted deep in our spirit before we were conceived. God preprogrammed His blueprint for our lives before we ever arrived on planet Earth. When the Lord spoke to Jeremiah, as a young prophet, He said to him, “Before I formed you in the belly I knew you; and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified you, and I ordained you a prophet unto the nations” (Jer. 1:4-5 NKJV). What was true for Jeremiah is also true for each of us.
I have been in Christian ministry for over four decades, and I have observed people of all occupations and lifestyles. Many have discovered their purpose in life. I have seen a sparkle in their eyes as they accomplished the assignment God had given them. Their joy level was high as they did what they were put on Earth to do.
On the other hand, many I know have yet to discover their divine purpose. They live in what I call a “survival mode” because they cannot see beyond their present circumstances and are enslaved to an unfulfilling life. Instead of that sparkle of hope in their eyes, sadness and hopelessness are all I see. If the eyes are truly the windows of the soul, then these eyes speak of emptiness therein.
I love people. My sincere desire is to touch lives with a word from God that will enable Christian men and women to rise up in faith and begin the exciting journey God has already mapped out for them. The purpose for this book is to help every person to find his or her pre-ordained, divinely created destiny and purpose.
My desire is to encourage you that the best is yet to come. It does not matter if your dream and vision has been dormant for years. It is never too late to begin to fulfill what God has placed in you. God will accelerate that vision, restore those dormant years, and enable you fulfill His divine purpose and call.
There is a special plan for your life. There is a dream being birthed in you. Others have opinions, but you have direction. Allow God to define the plan He has designed for you. God is saying, look again at your dreams, and see them from the present. When you originally dreamed them, you had only some of the pieces. Now is the time to take another look. Declare along with the psalmist, "The Lord will work out His plans for my life" (Ps. 138:8 NLT).
I am praying for you and each one who reads this book. I pray that God will show you plainly His design for your life. I pray that you will have the boldness and courage to begin this new journey. I pray that you will find contentment and joy in knowing that you have fulfilled the perfect will of God for your life.

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