The Chaos - [Diary of an Unsuspected Psychopath]

Reeks: Poetry


Sometimes writing a diary is like preparing to decipher, one day, we wish we had always hidden, this is not the first book I write, and hopefully not the last, but its not a book, its a diary, but as has been written, it's a collection of thoughts and ideas, aphorisms, sayings, words left out there to go around in the head of some or in my own head, phrases that have become famous and other less famous but that exist, on this diary you can make a trip into the Creation of man, the most of the time smiling and enjoying the read. Finally, this volume is an unordered collection of texts that I have wrote since I have the reason for writing, taken from many sources around the world, almost a life of sharing in paper and networks, for whom wanted it, and responding to the many requests from fans and friends, to have, in a single volume this type of material, as I said at the beginning of this note, it is a diary, but does not retain and does not carry the chronology of things is not that works, I know that reading will be nice and friendly, sometimes strange but so was born this Diary of an unsuspected psychopath that talks deeply about the relationship between men and women since de origin of times.

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