Good Night, Mr. James
And Other Stories
Reeks: The Complete Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak
Clifford D. Simak
- Strange,
- poignant
- tales
- of
- life
- in
- outer
- space
- and
- on
- tomorrow’s
- Earth
- from
- the
- multiple
- Hugo
- Award–winning
- Grand
- Master
- of
- Science
- Fiction.Virtually
- every
- major
- author
- from
- science
- fiction’s
- fabled
- golden
- age—including
- Poul
- Anderson,
- Isaac
- Asimov,
- and
- Robert
- A.
- Heinlein—agreed
- that
- Clifford
- D.
- Simak
- was
- one
- of
- the
- greatest
- among
- them.
- Named
- Grand
- Master
- by
- the
- Science
- Fiction
- Writers
- of
- America,
- the
- award-winning
- author
- created
- enduring
- visions
- of
- future
- worlds,
- perilous
- space
- explorations,
- and
- weird
- alien
- encounters
- as
- rich
- in
- emotion
- and
- humanity
- as
- they
- are
- in
- ingenious
- invention.
- This
- is
- an
- essential
- collection
- of
- short
- fiction
- from
- the
- remarkable
- mind
- and
- heart
- of
- a
- true
- giant
- of
- twentieth-century
- speculative
- fiction,
- featuring
- powerful
- examples
- of
- literary
- science
- fiction
- at
- its
- very
- best.Beginning
- with
- the
- unforgettable
- title
- story—a
- wry
- and
- chilling
- horror
- tale
- about
- cloning
- and
- alien
- invasion
- that
- inspired
- the
- classic
- teleplay
- “The
- Duplicate
- Man”
- from
- the
- television
- series
- The
- Outer
- Limits—Simak
- propels
- the
- reader
- on
- a
- breathtaking
- journey
- across
- the
- galaxies
- and
- into
- the
- future.
- He
- then
- enthralls
- us
- with
- the
- strange
- chronicle
- of
- twin
- siblings,
- one
- tied
- to
- the
- Earth,
- the
- other
- drawn
- to
- the
- stars;
- imaginings
- of
- a
- volatile
- reunion
- of
- two
- former
- enemies
- who
- must
- join
- forces
- on
- Jupiter’s
- moon
- or
- face
- extinction;
- and
- the
- story
- of
- a
- house
- in
- the
- middle
- of
- nowhere
- that
- serves
- as
- a
- gateway
- back
- to
- prehistoric
- times.With
- his
- wondrous
- tales
- of
- a
- journalist’s
- miraculous
- discovery
- of
- fairies
- and
- sprites
- in
- the
- world,
- a
- census
- three
- centuries
- in
- the
- making
- that
- uncovers
- an
- unknown
- leap
- forward
- in
- human
- evolution,
- and
- the
- nightmare
- realities
- of
- future
- elder
- care,
- Simak
- demonstrates
- once
- again
- that
- he
- is
- not
- only
- one
- of
- the
- greatest
- science
- fiction
- writers
- of
- the
- twentieth
- century,
- but
- also
- one
- of
- the
- greatest
- of
- all time.
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