Tales of Alavern: Cyrus & the Verni

Tales of Alavern, #1

Reeks: Tales of Alavern


The Great Mother, goddess of women and love for a world that is most certainly not Earth. She has watched helplessly as her chosen daughters, the Verni, have slowly drifted towards extinction. She cannot allow that to happen but the Verni's only means for procreation, the magic pool she gifted them shortly after she hid them away from the rest of their world by a massive magical barrier, hasn't produced a single child for an entire generation. In order to save them, she's going to need something. The one thing her daughters fear more than anything else.
A man.
When she decides to take one from another world, a young man named Cyrus will be stolen away from everything he's ever known and dropped down onto their main island. He could be the key to saving them all... if he survives.

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