- **From
- the
- James
- Beard
- Award
- winners:**Photos,
- stories,
- and
- over
- 200
- simple
- Italian
- recipes
- rooted
- in
- fresh
- ingredients
- and
- rural
- traditions.Following
- the
- success
- of
- their
- James
- Beard
- Foundation
- Best
- Cookbook
- of
- the
- Year,
- The
- Country
- Cooking
- of
- Ireland,
- Colman
- Andrews
- and
- Christopher
- Hirsheimer
- achieve
- the
- formidable
- feat
- of
- illuminating
- the
- world’s
- most
- beloved
- cuisine
- in
- an
- entirely
- new
- light.
- Drawing
- on
- more
- than
- forty
- years
- of
- experience
- traveling
- and
- eating
- in
- Italy,
- Andrews
- explores
- every
- region,
- from
- Piedmont
- to
- Puglia,
- and
- provides
- the
- fascinating
- origins
- of
- dishes
- both
- familiar
- and
- unexpected.This
- gloriously
- photographed
- keepsake
- depicts
- an
- ingredient-focused
- culture
- deeply
- rooted
- in
- rural
- traditions,
- in
- which
- even
- the
- most
- sophisticated
- dishes
- derive
- from
- more
- basic
- fare.
- With
- 230
- sumptuous
- recipes
- highlighting
- the
- abundant
- flavors
- of
- the
- land,
- all
- set
- against
- the
- backdrop
- of
- Andrews’
- vivid
- storytelling
- and
- evocative
- images
- by
- Hirsheimer
- and
- Melissa
- Hamilton,
- this
- book
- is
- sure
- to
- delight
- home
- chefs
- and
- lovers
- of
- Italian
- food
- alike.A
- Foreword
- Award
- Winner
- in
- Cooking“A
- record
- of
- how
- people
- in
- rural
- Italy
- actuall
- eat.”
- —Eater“A
- resource
- for
- any
- cook
- who
- adores
- their
- Italian
- meals.”
- —The
- Simply
- Luxurious Life