Murder in the Manuscript Room
Reeks: The 42nd Street Library Mysteries
Con Lehane
- The
- second
- in
- Con
- Lehane's
- 42nd
- Street
- Library
- mystery
- series,
- Murder
- in
- the
- Manuscript
- Room
- is
- a
- smart,
- compelling
- mystery
- in
- which
- the
- characters
- themselves
- are
- at
- least
- as
- interesting
- as
- the
- striking
- sleuthing."Not
- to
- be
- missed.”
- —Megan
- Abbott"A
- story
- utterly
- relevant
- to
- the
- real-life
- horror
- story
- unfolding
- in
- America’s
- immigration
- politics.”—Sara
- ParetskyWhen
- a
- murder
- desecrates
- the
- somber,
- book-lined
- halls
- of
- New
- York
- City’s
- iconic
- 42nd
- Street
- Library,
- Raymond
- Ambler,
- the
- library’s
- curator
- of
- crime
- fiction,
- has
- a
- personal
- interest
- in
- solving
- the
- crime.
- His
- quest
- to
- solve
- the
- murder
- is
- complicated
- by
- personal
- entanglements
- involving
- his
- friend—or
- perhaps
- more-than-friend—Adele
- Morgan.
- Not
- only
- does
- Adele’s
- relationship
- with
- the
- young
- woman
- staffer
- who
- was
- murdered
- get
- in
- the
- way
- of
- Ambler’s
- investigation,
- more
- disturbing
- for
- him
- is
- Adele’s
- growing
- interest
- in
- a
- darkly
- handsome
- Islamic
- scholar.Soon
- the
- Intelligence
- Division
- of
- the
- New
- York
- Police
- Department
- takes
- over
- the
- case
- from
- homicide
- detective
- Mike
- Cosgrove,
- Ambler’s
- friend
- and
- sometimes
- partner-in-crime
- solving.
- Ambler
- suspects
- that
- the
- murder
- of
- the
- young
- woman,
- who’d
- been
- working
- at
- the
- library
- under
- an
- assumed
- name
- and
- the
- curious
- intervention
- of
- NYPD’s
- intelligence
- division
- are
- connected.
- The
- trail
- of
- intrigue
- leads
- to
- a
- seemingly
- unrelated
- murder
- in
- an
- upstate
- prison
- and
- a
- long
- ago
- murder
- of
- a
- trade
- union
- reformer.No
- one
- else
- sees
- the
- connections
- Ambler
- is
- sure
- are
- there—not
- an
- unusual
- state
- of
- affairs
- for
- Ambler.
- But
- with
- the
- city’s
- law
- enforcement
- establishment
- determined
- to
- stop
- his
- investigation,
- the
- inquisitive
- and
- intrepid
- librarian
- faces
- challenges
- that
- may
- put
- his
- very
- life
- at risk.