What Goes Around Comes Around
A Mystery Novel Featuring Bartender Brian McNulty
Reeks: Bartender Brian McNulty Mysteries
Con Lehane
- What
- Goes
- Around
- Comes
- Around
- follows
- the
- adventures
- of
- Brian
- McNulty,
- the
- red-diaper-baby
- bartender
- who
- (abetted
- by
- his
- father
- and
- son)
- attempts
- to
- keep
- Manhattan's
- crime
- solved
- and
- cocktail
- glasses
- brimming.
- Filling
- in
- for
- a
- friend
- at
- the
- fancy
- East
- Side
- saloon
- and
- eatery
- called
- The
- Ocean
- Club,
- McNulty
- finds
- more
- than
- he
- bargained
- for:
- a
- body
- floating
- in
- the
- East
- River.Combining
- complex
- characters
- with
- strikingly
- offbeat
- perspectives
- on
- left
- versus
- right,
- old
- versus
- new,
- and
- the
- good
- guys
- versus
- the
- bad
- guys,
- What
- Goes
- Around
- Comes
- Around
- is
- the
- stunning
- follow-up
- to
- Lehane's
- series debut.