Homeless in Heaven
Reeks: Heist Ladies Caper Mysteries
Connie Shelton
- Who
- would
- dare
- steal
- from
- homeless
- people,
- especially
- at
- Christmas!
- Mary
- Holbrook
- and
- Sandy
- Warner
- are
- volunteering
- at
- Heaven
- Sent,
- a
- homeless
- shelter,
- and
- discover
- it
- has
- been
- the
- scene
- of
- some
- thefts.
- The
- Heist
- Ladies
- decide
- to
- investigate.At
- the
- same
- time
- there
- are
- some
- strange
- doings
- at
- the
- New
- Age
- establishment
- next
- door.
- The
- Temple
- of
- the
- Rising
- Moon
- is
- run
- by
- gurus
- Orion
- and
- Sunshine,
- a
- husband
- and
- wife
- team
- living
- in
- a
- converted
- school
- bus,
- who
- claim
- to
- be
- raising
- money
- to
- build
- homes
- for
- poor
- people.
- As
- the
- Ladies
- dig
- deeper,
- they
- discover
- the
- charity
- is
- suspect
- and
- the
- hippies
- aren’t
- exactly
- who
- they
- claim
- to
- be
- either.In
- their
- usual
- fashion,
- the
- dauntless
- Heist
- Ladies
- set
- out
- to
- track
- the
- money
- and
- chase
- down
- the
- perps.
- All
- in
- the
- name
- of
- justice!Praise
- for
- Today
- bestseller
- Connie
- Shelton
- and
- The
- Heist
- Ladies:“What
- I
- loved
- most
- is
- the
- international
- flair
- of
- this
- story
- …
- I
- gave
- this
- a
- 5-star
- because
- of
- the
- grab,
- the
- clutch,
- the
- pace,
- and
- most
- of
- all,
- because
- of
- the
- characters.
- Great
- job!”
- –online
- review“The
- Heist
- Ladies
- series
- is
- going
- to
- be
- off
- the
- charts!
- Thank
- you
- Shelton
- for
- such
- an
- awesome
- book.”
- 5
- stars,
- Goodreads
- reviewer“Wonderful
- characters,
- terrific
- plot
- and
- story
- line.
- I
- highly
- recommend
- Diamonds
- Aren’t
- Forever
- …
- can
- hardly
- wait
- for
- the
- next
- installment!”
- –5-stars,
- Amazon
- review“Connie
- Shelton
- gets
- better
- with
- every
- book
- she
- writes.”
- Midwest
- Book
- Review
- (on
- the
- Charlie
- Parker mysteries)
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