Danika dreads Christmas. Her beloved grandmother died on Christmas Eve. She had a miscarraige on Christmas Eve, and now was unable to have children at all. Christmas, being a time for family, was a big fat reminder of what a failure she was. Sometimes she splurged - spending too much for their budget - because buying gifts was a way of dealing with her pain.
Mick was tired of trying to get through to his wife. He too grieved for the children they would never have, but it was time to move on. He had tried everything he could think of to help his troubled wife - counseling, therapy, even medication, but enough was enough. He wanted his wife back. It if took weeks of sound spankings to get her attention, he'd do it. He just hoped that she would learn that he truly loved her, really loved her, would always love her - in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, no matter what, before he wore his hand out on her lovely bottom!