God the Reason: How Infinite Excellence Gives Unbreakable Faith
Craig Biehl
- Without
- technical
- jargon
- and
- complicated
- formulas,
- God
- the
- Reason
- uses
- simple
- language
- and
- easy
- to
- understand
- illustrations
- to
- present
- the
- life-changing
- excellence
- of
- God's
- perfections
- and
- their
- importance
- for
- apologetics.
- For
- one,
- all
- things
- are
- impossible
- without
- the
- God
- the
- Scripture,
- while
- every
- known
- fact
- and
- scientific
- discovery
- declares
- the
- truth
- of
- Christian
- faith.
- And
- while
- atheists
- would
- need
- complete
- knowledge
- of
- everything
- in
- the
- universe
- and
- beyond
- to
- know
- the
- infinite
- God
- of
- the
- Bible
- does
- not
- exist,
- they
- deny
- Him
- even
- as
- they
- are
- immersed
- in
- a
- clear
- and
- marvelous
- display
- of
- His
- power
- and
- genius.The
- infinite
- excellence
- of
- God's
- perfections
- provides
- the
- ultimate
- source
- and
- guide
- for
- knowledge
- about
- Him
- and
- the
- universe
- He
- created,
- and
- give
- us
- the
- basis
- of
- an
- all-encompassing,
- God-honoring,
- and
- soul-thrilling
- worldview
- that
- provides
- the
- answer
- to
- the
- deepest
- questions
- of
- life.
- Comfort
- in
- the
- face
- of
- the
- greatest
- evils,
- suffering,
- and
- mysteries
- comes
- not
- from
- having
- a
- specific
- answer
- and
- solution
- to
- every
- problem,
- but
- in
- knowing
- the
- perfect
- One
- who
- does.
- To
- know
- ourselves
- we
- must
- know
- the
- God
- who
- made
- us.
- To
- rightly
- live
- in
- the
- world,
- we
- must
- know
- Him
- who
- owns,
- orders,
- and
- sustains
- it.
- Apart
- from
- God,
- all
- things
- fall
- into
- pointless
- absurdity.
- But
- in
- a
- true
- knowledge
- and
- love
- of
- the
- Source
- and
- Explanation
- of
- all
- things
- we
- have
- life,
- meaning,
- and
- purpose,
- while
- our
- trivial
- existence
- gains
- eternal
- importance
- as
- part
- of
- God's
- purpose
- and
- plan.
- A
- right
- understanding
- of
- God's
- infinite
- excellence
- will
- not
- only
- immunize
- you
- against
- the
- most
- sophisticated
- arguments
- of
- unbelief,
- it
- will
- increase
- your
- joy,
- comfort
- and
- faith
- in
- Christ
- and Scripture.