By what philosophy do you live your life? How do you measure what you do? Are you satisfied with what you have done with your life and at what point do you take stock of what you have done, what you are doing? Is it in your dying days that you ask the question of whether you have lived the life you would have liked and can be proud of or should you ask that question of yourself sooner and more often? How would you answer the question of how much good you have done?
Rex Dyson has always operated on the simple philosophy of trying to do a bit of good in the world and as he's moved into his twilight years he's found putting it into practice is a worthwhile way to spend some of his time. Now, with Rebecca, his lovely younger neighbour, facing the end of her life, can Rex do more than a little bit of good?
Brad Green is a man losing his grip on the world, self-destructing and seemingly incapable of halting his slide. Johnno is homeless and nobody knows if he wants it but if there is a way back into the mainstream, it will be hard, nigh on impossible on his own.
Is Rebecca the key to making this little piece of the world a better place or is it as simple as Rex's philosophy of 'do a bit of good in the world'?