Lessons From Paw Paw


Don’t you wish you had the opportunity to go back in time and tap into the minds of great people from the past and what made them great? Don’t you wish you could go back in time and learn from your Grandfather? What if you had the opportunity to spend one more day with him? That experience would be priceless.
These are Lessons taught by my Grandfather, Cranston Warnick and my father Hogie Holden. Although I have only a few good strong memories of my Grandfather, because he passed away when I was only five years old, his wisdom is priceless. My grandfather was a good man with an even better reputation, who became a known as an even greater man later in life. Fortunately my older brother was able to spend countless hours with my Grandfather in the afternoons, weekends, and all summer. They often worked outside which was on an old country farm that wasn’t really anything to brag about amongst the apple orchard and old barns. Located in the small mountainous area of the Southeast my Grandfather was able to pass on ageless wisdom that is rarely valued but leads to a life of plenty and inner peace.

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