The reason I wrote this book in these my advanced years of life is twofold. First because I feel that after having written so many books dealing with the power of human thoughts, which I termed Creative Consciousness; second because I have come to realize that there is an even greater need in this fast advancing world today for these lessons of mind progression.
It has been a pleasure and an honor to have written this book for you, who at this point of your life find interest in what is only presently categorized as the paranormal. I have written this book as a novel for two reasons. First, because many of my Students of Creative Consciousness have stated a novel is often easier to read rather than a textbook. Second, because I cannot claim that the many fascinating subjects of the paranormal are facts at this time in the progressive evolution of humanity.
Just as many of the present discoveries of science can more or less be proven as facts (although there will always be the category of theory), at one time they too were questionable. However, although I cannot prove that time and space are one, I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that I personally do believe that eternity and infinity are one. I also believe that humanity has the constant ability for progression.
The dictionary gives long explanations describing the word "mind" such as: to think, to speak, to intend, the perceiving part of consciousness, the intellect, etc. Great "minds" both scientific and religious have tried to express the value and power of the mind.
This power of Creative Consciousness within you CAN create your future. What are you creating with your thoughts, progression or regression? When you entertain thoughts of doubt or fear, the energy from those thoughts can easily block your desired progression. Intuition at times can be more correct than logic, so why not be proactive and do something progressive about it!
Prologue to Lazarillo de Tormes (anonymous, 1554): "I think it's a good thing that important events which quite accidently have never seen the light of day, should be made public and not be buried in the grave of oblivion. It's possible that somebody may read them and find something he likes and others may find pleasure in just a casual glance; and as a matter of fact, Pliny (a Roman naturalist and written 23AD-97AD) says: There is no book, however bad it may be, that doesn't have something good about it, especially as tastes vary and one man's meat is another man's poison. I (anonymously) say this is because I think that nothing should be thrown away or given up completely so long as it's not really disgusting."