You must run your own race in life; no one can do it for you; but you can be helped by others personally and through books. Your future need not be limited to your dreams, because when awake to your possibilities, you can soar beyond your distant star-dreams. It is the residue of your star-studded dreams which can be turned into the gold dust of a rich future. Learn to build your future on the unwavering willingness to succeed through Creative Consciousness.
Pay closer attention to your thoughts, for often you are more aware of a situation than you realize. Learn to dwell upon what you do have rather than upon what you do not have; otherwise you may attract a mental vice which will block future progression.
As you mature, your problems can de-mature; therefore learn to live a concept-changing life and help become a spark of enlightenment in someone else’s life. Seek out what famous teachers in the past have written and don’t be afraid to glean the progressive lessons which non-famous teachers have written.
You can expand your thoughts, and possibilities, these with building an unwavering future by not neglecting the wonderful opportunities which constantly surround you because they are part of your birthright. Awaken yourself to realize the immensity of your destiny through self-awareness. Expand your Creative Consciousness to achieve your purpose in life. Your life is a constant process in actions; therefore today can be greater than yesterday when you realize that your Source of Infinite, Intelligent, Creative Love sustains you constantly.
You can expand your thoughts to be progressive if you pay attention to what you are identifying with; if you pay attention to what you are following; if you pay attention to what your thoughts and words are creating because eventually you become what you have been thinking. You are the result of all your life’s experiences and the experiences of people around you.
Often your future can be discovered in your past; in your past loves, in your past non-loves. It is because of love that you evolve to become the progressive person whom you are meant to become. Love has endless possibilities. Love can eliminate bitterness which is the mental cancer of progression. Vision is the progressive path of your future; therefore be prepared for abundant opportunities for you and yours. Love removes the road blocks of your present and future achievements.