Dive into the heartwarming and humorous world of 'SOMETHING SMELLS' with Igor the Pug and his owner, Mr. Curt. Aimed for kids aged 2-8, this book brings Igor's adventures to life with stunning AI-generated images.
When Igor finds himself sad and confused by the reluctance of dogs and children to play with him in the park, Mr. Curt steps in to help. From baths to brushing teeth, and cleaning those tricky smelly wrinkles, they try everything to make Igor more appealing to his peers. Yet, despite their efforts, Igor's struggle continues. But this pug isn't one to give up easily!
The story teaches kids the basics of personal care, the power of self-confidence, and the beauty of accepting themselves and others, all wrapped up in a tale of empathy and understanding.
Inspired by real adventures of the author's own pug, this story mixes true life with fantasy, making a fun and meaningful read for kids.
48 Pages.