The Chooky Brae
D. C. Jackson
- It's
- Christmas
- Day
- in
- Stewarton
- and
- Irene
- Gordon's
- struggling
- to
- get
- in
- the
- festive
- spirit.
- Her
- eighteen-year-old
- daughter
- has
- just
- had
- a
- baby,
- her
- ex-husband's
- had
- a
- stroke
- and
- her
- eldest
- is
- having
- a
- breakdown.
- Even
- the
- Dr
- Who
- special
- is
- disappointing.
- To
- compensate,
- she
- gets
- Rab
- McGuire,
- a
- gift-wrapped
- male
- sex
- aid
- and
- an
- escaped
- chicken
- that
- won't
- be
- stuffed.
- final
- chapter
- of
- the
- Stewarton
- trilogy
- (
- The
- Wall
- and
- The
- Ducky),
- D.
- C.
- Jackson's
- The
- Chooky
- Brae
- premiered
- in
- a
- Borderline
- Theatre
- Company
- production
- at
- the
- Palace
- Theatre,
- Kilmarnock,
- in
- September 2010.
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