The Assassin The Grey Man and The Surgeon

The Assassin The Grey Man and the Surgeon, #1

Reeks: The Assassin The Grey Man and the Surgeon


It was all going so well for Peter Lee's drug empire. He had a hold on the producers in Afghanistan and Pakistan. His receiver network was increasing and the distribution was now being handled by four of the biggest gangs in London. With business so good, he was starting to expand. He was becoming very, very rich. The only small annoyance had come from a little old lady who owned of all things a corner shop. She had refused to accept any of his special parcels and wanted to go to the police, so she'd been given two bullets, the double tap both to shut her up and to send a message to everyone else in the network. Unknown to Lee she was married to a specialist, a man who, in a former life killed men for a living. He had two friends, one a gatherer of information, the master in his field, one a breaker of men, who was so vicious that it was rumored that each time he hit a man he cut him. Each of these three men had spent thirty years and more playing the great game inside the security company called The Firm they were legends known only as The Assassin, The Grey Man and The Surgeon. Now living at the edge of the secret world and about to disappear into history, this atrocity had brought them back center stage but the question is, do they still have what it takes to go up against today's hard men?

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