Rahab exemplifies a business woman in a brutally male world who leveraged her skills, business ability and vision into a deal with the men Joshua sent to check out the best way to conquer Jericho.
She is tagged a prostitute when she may have been a hotel owner who positioned her home and business location on the Jericho wall for safety for her family and herself. "Your life for ours." There is a difference between being the madam of a house and being the madam of the house.
Change is inevitable. Author D. Dean Benton tells Rahab's story with stories of 21st Century families, contemporary business tales and challenges.
Some historians and sociologists say we live in a time of hollowness, hopelessness, and the lack of heroes. Rahab becomes an action hero. Using stories and eclectic sources, Dean ties Rahab--who became one of Jesus great-grandmothers--to satisfying family life, personal growth and fulfilling one's destiny.