Wrestling With Passion

Wrestling, #3

Reeks: Wrestling


Scott and Derek's epic passion continues into sophomore year with new challenges to face and overcome. There is one problem: How can you fight an adversary you can't see?

Derek has always helped others, often placing himself in risky situation. Scott has lived with instability his entire life, moving from place to place, never able to set roots. Surviving the obstacles set in place by Scott's unloving father and overcoming the threat of an unstable fellow student their freshman year, they start their second year of college believing they've overcome all the barriers blocking their future happiness.

All that changes when a troubled student, Tim, enters their lives. Derek can't help by reach out to the drug-abusing freshman. Scott can't suppress the paralyzing fear of losing Derek, the one stable thing in his life. As they compromise their own internal needs in an effort to support each other, resentment builds and guilt festers.

Is this new obstacle, the demons that live deep inside each other them, the one that might tear them apart?

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