

This eclectic collection of stories results from annoying questions that scurried about my skull over the last seventy years–typically:

•Is there life after death?
•Could music transcend life?
•What might make a person become homeless?
•Are we alone in this vast universe?
•Could the past and future be changed?
•What happens when we get too old?
•Is romance still alive after seventy?
•Is the Earth only 6000 years old?
•What could make one murder?
•Could madness be a guise for something else?
•What happens in an old sniper’s mind after too much killing?
•Is there goodness in most people?
•Is consciousness possible in silicon circuits?
•And, among others, could an idea affect reality?
Some of these stories have won or placed well in various contests; some have been published internationally; others I just enjoyed writing for no particular reason other than the act of doing it which are included for your perusal.

pro-mbooks3 : libris