I like writing within the horror genre because it allows you to merge reality and fantasy relatively easily. This compilation contains some new texts and others, published in various literary media, with a common link: evil, both human and supernatural. In “Evil Escape” we will witness an incredible escape and subsequent revenge. “In nomine” is a tribute to diabolical possession set in the Middle Ages. In “The Infernal Cube” we will penetrate the human psyche and descend into hell itself. “The Revolution” is a disturbing story that will show us another perspective on evil. “The Apocryphal Phantasm Screenplay” is a parody about this fantastic horror film saga, from the late 70s. “The Last Christmas” represents the antithesis of the Christmas holidays, with a different perspective. “Birth” is a short but intense story. In “The Extraordinary Case of Susan Malcolm” we will learn the secrets of voodoo and its lethal consequences and in “Sanatorium La Chapelle” we will experience a curious rescue in a machiavellian place.
I hope you enjoy reading this book, as much as I did
writing it.