Fort Halifax
Winslow's Historic Outpost
Daniel J. Tortora
- Winslow
- has
- grown
- up
- around
- Fort
- Halifax
- in
- its
- many,
- many
- incarnations.
- Beginning
- as
- a
- French
- and
- Indian
- War
- garrison
- and
- trading
- post,
- the
- fort
- welcomed
- historic
- figures
- from
- Benedict
- Arnold
- and
- Aaron
- Burr
- to
- Paul
- Revere
- and
- Chief
- Joseph
- Orono.
- Reduced
- to
- one
- small
- blockhouse
- in
- the
- 1800s,
- Fort
- Halifax
- hosted
- archaeologists,
- travelers,
- artists,
- politicians
- and
- students.
- The
- Flood
- of
- 1987
- swept
- away
- the
- blockhouse,
- leaving
- the
- fort
- and
- its
- supporters
- to
- fight
- an
- uphill
- battle
- for
- reconstruction.
- Throughout
- varied
- iterations,
- uses,
- trials
- and
- tribulations,
- Fort
- Halifax
- has
- remained
- the
- symbol
- of
- a
- community.
- Join
- historian
- Daniel
- J.
- Tortora
- in
- this
- engaging
- narrative
- of
- Fort
- Halifax's
- fight
- for
- survival.
- Meet
- the
- famous
- visitors
- to
- the
- fort,
- the
- local
- residents
- who
- have
- cared
- for
- it
- and
- the
- figures
- who
- have
- kept
- its
- memory
- relevant
- and
- its
- future hopeful.
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