The Joy of Search
A Google Insider's Guide to Going Beyond the Basics
Daniel M. Russell
- **A
- Google
- researcher
- shares
- tips,
- tricks,
- and
- interesting
- stories
- on
- maximizing
- the
- power
- of
- search
- engines
- like
- Google
- and
- Wikipedia.You
- don’t
- have
- to
- be
- a
- computer
- whiz
- to
- master
- the
- art
- of
- online
- search!**We
- all
- know
- how
- to
- look
- up
- something
- online
- by
- typing
- words
- into
- a
- search
- engine.
- We
- do
- this
- so
- often
- that
- we
- have
- made
- the
- most
- famous
- search
- engine
- a
- verb:
- we
- Google
- it—“Japan
- population”
- or
- “Nobel
- Peace
- Prize”
- or
- “poison
- ivy”
- or
- whatever
- we
- want
- to
- know.
- But
- knowing
- how
- to
- Google
- something
- doesn't
- make
- us
- search
- experts;
- there’s
- much
- more
- we
- can
- do
- to
- access
- the
- massive
- collective
- knowledge
- available
- online.In
- The
- Joy
- of
- Search,
- Daniel
- Russell
- shows
- us
- how
- to
- be
- great
- online
- researchers.
- We
- don’t
- have
- to
- be
- computer
- geeks
- or
- a
- scholar
- searching
- out
- obscure
- facts;
- we
- just
- need
- to
- know
- some
- basic
- methods.
- Russell
- demonstrates
- these
- methods
- with
- step-by-step
- searches
- for
- answers
- to
- a
- series
- of
- intriguing
- questions—from
- “what
- is
- the
- wrong
- side
- of
- a
- towel?”
- to
- “what
- is
- the
- most
- likely
- way
- you
- will
- die?”
- Along
- the
- way,
- readers
- will
- discover
- essential
- tools
- for
- effective
- online
- searches—and
- learn
- some
- fascinating
- facts
- and
- interesting
- stories.Russell
- explains
- how
- to
- frame
- search
- queries
- so
- they
- will
- yield
- information
- and
- describes
- the
- best
- ways
- to
- use
- such
- resources
- as
- Google
- Earth,
- Google
- Scholar,
- Wikipedia,
- and
- Wikimedia.
- He
- shows
- when
- to
- put
- search
- terms
- in
- double
- quotes,
- how
- to
- use
- the
- operator
- (*),
- why
- metadata
- is
- important,
- and
- how
- to
- triangulate
- information
- from
- multiple
- sources.
- By
- the
- end
- of
- this
- engaging
- journey
- of
- discovering,
- readers
- will
- have
- the
- definitive
- answer
- to
- why
- the
- best
- online
- searches
- involve
- more
- than
- typing
- a
- few
- words
- into Google.
pro-mbooks3 : libris