"The Lord chooses whom He chooses to accomplish whatever work needs to be done regardless of how insignificant they may feel. He is looking for people who are willing to step out of their comfort zone and be obedient to His call regardless of the impossible."
"...The purpose of the fire is to drive out what is unrighteous. The carnal way of thinking will be burnt up but you won’t; but as long as you refuse to change, you’ll be held to that fire until you decide to let go what is flammable."
"Having a sound mind also means you have self-control. When God’s power and love is absent in someone’s life, so is self-control. Put power and love together and you have self-control."
Life is a journey - a journey in which God spoke His Word and desires to "purpose" His Word in our lives; but it's up to us to surrender to His purpose regardless what we face. We have all been faced with some of life's impossibilities at one time or another; but there is always an answer to confront those seeming impossibilities: the surrender of our hearts to believe and speak God's Word regardless what we face. "For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7)