- Kelina
- is
- angry
- all
- the
- time.
- She
- gets
- into
- trouble
- at
- school
- and
- at
- home.
- Though
- her
- teachers
- and
- grandpa
- try
- to
- help
- her,
- she
- will
- find
- in
- the
- end
- she
- must
- help
- herself.Danielle
- Butts
- is
- an
- elementary
- guidance
- counselor.
- She
- has
- devoted
- her
- life
- to
- improving
- the
- lives
- of
- children.
- This
- is
- the
- first
- book
- in
- a
- series
- of
- children
- books
- meant
- to
- help
- children
- deal
- with
- the
- emotions
- of
- anger,
- fear,
- sadness,
- and
- boredom.
- Positive
- themes
- include
- being
- proactive,
- taking
- control
- and
- responsibility,
- building
- relationships,
- and
- finding
- strength
- within yourself.
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