Voyage from Foraglenn

Faerie Tales from the White Forest, #5

Reeks: Faerie Tales from the White Forest


Picking up where Book Three (Ondelle of Grioth) left off, Voyage from Foraglenn tells the story of Brigitta's most dangerous journey yet: sailing across the seas in search of the final Purviews. As the world descends deeper into elemental chaos, and the Eternal Dragon's energy weakens, Brigitta feels the pressure of time running out. Her traveling companions are in for the long haul, but Brigitta is having trouble letting them in. Croilus is up to his old tricks, invading her thoughts and dreams, and she can't decide which course of action to take to keep everyone safe. She knows she must open the Purviews and reunite the old civilizations in order to rebalance Faweh, but in doing so, she may be putting the world in another kind of danger. Could she possibly be leading Croilus to a way to kill the Eternal Dragon and take control of the most powerful magic the world has even known? Brigitta's exciting adventures continue in this penultimate book.

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